Help and accessibility
Site navigation
Ce site propose plusieurs fonctionnalités permettant à tous les internautes de naviguer aisément.
Le logo principal
Sur l’ensemble des pages, le logo du site affiché dans la bannière permet en un seul clic de retourner sur la page d’accueil du site.
Le fil d’Ariane
Sur l’ensemble des pages du site (à l’exception de la page d’accueil), un fil d’Ariane est affiché en haut du contenu principal.
Ce fil d’Ariane vous permet de vous localiser dans l’arborescence du site.
Il vous indique le chemin parcouru depuis la page d’accueil jusqu’à la page courante et vous permet également de remonter dans l’arborescence du site par l’intermédiaire de liens.
Le plan du site
Sur l’ensemble des pages, un plan du site est accessible par l’intermédiaire d’un lien dans le pied de page.
Ce plan du site vous permet d’avoir une vision d’ensemble de l’arborescence du site et d’accéder directement à la rubrique ou la page de votre choix.
Le moteur de recherche
Sur l’ensemble des pages, un moteur de recherche est disponible dans la bannière.
Lorsque vous effectuez une recherche, ce moteur de recherche vous liste les pages du site qui correspondent le mieux à vos attentes.
Le lien « Haut de page »
Un lien "Haut de page" est disponible à la fin de chaque page.
Ce lien vous permet notamment de retrouver rapidement le menu principal et le fil d’Ariane.
Features offered by your browser
In addition to the help provided directly on the site, it has been designed in such a way that your browser can take full advantage of its own functionalities.
Enlarging the font size
On all the pages of the site, you have the possibility to enlarge the size of the characters.
If you are on a PC, use the Ctrl + + key combination to enlarge the font size. The combination of Ctrl + - keys allows you to reduce the size of the characters.
Pressing these keys successively allows you to increase or decrease the character size in increments.
Note also that the Ctrl + 0 key combination (the "zero" digit) allows you to return to the default text size.
Mac users, you just have to replace the Ctrl key with the Cmd key in the combinations announced above to perform the same actions.
Keyboard navigation
This site has been designed in such a way as to allow keyboard navigation on all pages.
In most cases, you just need to tap the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate from one clickable element to another clickable element in the page.
Conversely, if you want to go up in the opposite direction of the reading, use the Shift + Tab key combination.
Favourite Betting
Keyboard users, you can mark any page as a favorite.
To do this, go to the desired page, then press the Ctrl + D keys on your keyboard if you are on a PC, Cmd + D if you are on a Mac.
Website accessibility
What is web accessibility?
An accessible website is a site that allows all Internet users to access its content without difficulty, including people with disabilities who use specialized software or hardware.
An accessible site allows for example to:
- Navigate with voice syntheses or Braille tracks (especially used by blind or visually impaired users).
- Customize the site's display according to its needs (character magnification, color modification, etc.).
- Navigate without using the mouse, with the keyboard only or via a touch screen.
- Etc.
Level of site accessibility
This site has been created and is updated based on the W3C standards as well as the AcceDe Web accessibility records.
In particular, they meet the following accessibility criteria:
- Style sheets are used to manage the layout of the site.
- The main language of the pages is declared.
- The pages of the site have a unique and precise title.
- Links and button headings are explicit (understandable by nature).
- Images requiring it have a replacement text.
- Section titles structure the contents of the pages.
- The forms are accessible.
- The site can be used on keyboard only.
- A "Content" avoidance link is available on all pages of the site.
- The texts are not justified.
Contact us
We undertake to make this site available to all Internet users, regardless of their physical and/or cognitive dispositions.
However, should you encounter a problem while browsing or accessing certain content on the site, please do not hesitate to contact us, giving as much detail as possible of your situation and the problem encountered, so that we can find a solution together. Don't forget to tell us the address of the page concerned.
Via the online form
To contact us via the online form, simply go to the "Contact" page and fill in the form.
To learn more about the accessibility of the website or how the different features work, please click the relevant submenu item.